Whether bacon dumpling soup, cheese sausages, pressed dumplings, Schüttelbrot, Tirtlen or Apfelkiechl - the proximity to the northern neighbors is unmistakable in this region of Italy and creates creative and traditional dishes. South Tyrolean cuisine has a special lightness. Although you usually eat four courses, the dishes are always easy to digest and not too heavy. The perfect nutrition for bikers after a strenuous day trip!
So it is not far from combining the two components of cooking and cycling! If you throw these two passions together in a mixer and set it to puree, you get a delicious mixture called "Cooking & Biking". Kurt Resch, one of the two initiators of this project, explains: “If you pedal all day and move your bike over hill and dale through the Dolomites, you of course need something sensible to eat.
But anyone who can ride a bike can also cook. For this reason we brought the bikers to the cooking pot! ”Kurt and his Cooking & Biking colleague Gerhard“ Krauti ”Krautwurst, the inventor of cooking and biking, know what they are talking about. Both are not only trained cooks, but also bike guides. “Of course we want to show the mountain bikers the great landscape and lots of great trails,” explains Gerhard Krautwurst, “but we also want them to learn something and take it home with them. That is why we organize cooking courses after our guided tours ”. The focus is on traditional but also modern South Tyrolean cuisine in all its facets.
“It is important to us that the bikers get to know the regional cuisine,” continues “Krauti”. "This is how you can preserve your holiday experiences and serve a little piece of South Tyrol at home every now and then." A good mood is the most important ingredient for a great evening in the kitchen. Kurt and Krauti not only work hard, but also laugh a lot. Fun is the best motivator for bikers, so the best dishes are conjured up in a playful way. “When everyone is sitting around, happy and exhausted, after they have cooked their own meals, it is a great moment for us,” admits Kurt, “then we are not only full, but also know that we have achieved a lot and learned a lot today! "